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Phases II and III

Now that my two minigames are mostly complete, I have been focusing on initial designs for the board game (e.g. what view do we want - overhead view versus from character's viewpoint, what assets would we need to implement these designs, what type of gameplay do we want - minigames triggered by user directly versus minigames at the end of a round or a timed game versus a game with the goal of reaching the end). Another focus of mine has been looking ahead to Phase III and organizing the project in such a way that it will be easy to integrate the previous games as minigames. This includes exporting the previous games as packages and including them as scenes to the new project and working with Unity's recently implemented SceneManager to switch between the different scenes.

I successfully demoed a switch between three different scenes on the tablet; however, moving forward I will have to figure out how to keep the background board game elements unchanged (character positions) and how to maintain the score throughout all the different scenes.

Figure 1. Test view of what a top down game might be modeled like

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